Beau Sievers
Cognitive and social neuroscience research
I am a Computational Social Neuroscientist at Apple. Previously, I worked with Jamil Zaki at the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab, Joshua Greene at Harvard, and Thalia Wheatley at the Dartmouth Social Systems Lab, where I completed my PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience.
I am also a composer and performer on percussion and electronics, and was a founding organizer of Indexical.
Please feel free to email me.
- Sievers, B., Welker, C. Hasson, U., Kleinbaum, A, M. & Wheatley, T. (In press). Consensus-building
conversation leads to neural alignment. Nature Communications. Open
access preprint.
- Sievers, B.*, Thornton, M. A.* (In press). Deep social
neuroscience: The promise and peril of using
artificial neural networks to study the social brain. Social Cognitive and Affective
nsae014. *Equal contribution. Open access preprint.
- Berhard, R. M., Frankland, S. M., Plunkett, D., Sievers, B., Greene, J. D. (2023). Evidence for
Spinozan “Unbelieving” in the Right Inferior Prefrontal Cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 35,
4. Open access preprint.
- Sievers, B., DiFilippis, E. (2022). Causal
complexity demands community coordination.
Behavioral and
Brain Sciences 45, E31. This paper is a comment on Yarkoni (2022), The
Generalizability Crisis. Open access
- Sievers, B., Parkinson, C., Kohler, P.J., Hughes, J., Fogelson, S.V., & Wheatley, T. (2021).
Visual and auditory brain
areas share a representational structure that supports emotion perception.
Current Biology, 31. Open
data. Stimuli. Software. Open access preprint.
- Sievers, B., Wheatley, T. (2021). Rapid
dissonant grunting, or, But why does music sound the
way it does? Behavioral and
Brain Sciences, 44 E111. This paper is a comment on Mehr et al. (2021), Origins of music in
credible signaling, and Savage et al.
(2021), Music as a coevolved system for social bonding. Open access
- Sievers, B., Momennejad, I. (2019). SAMPL: The Spreading Activation and Memory PLasticity Model. Open source implementation of SAMPL. Open access preprint.
- Sievers, B., Lee, C., Haslett, W., & Wheatley, T. (2019). A multi-sensory code for
emotional arousal. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286. Data, code, and materials. Open access preprint.
- Levari, D. E., Gilbert, D.T., Wilson, T.D., Sievers, B., Amodio, D.M. & Wheatley, T. (2018). Prevalence-induced concept change in human
judgment. Science.
- Sievers, B., Parkinson, C., Walker, T., Haslett, W., & Wheatley, T. (2017). Low-level percepts
predict emotion concepts across modalities and cultures. Open access
- Wheatley, T. & Sievers, B. (2015). Toward a neuroscience of social resonance. In Greene,
Morrison & Seligman (Eds.) Positive
Neuroscience. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Sievers, B., Polansky, L., Casey, M., & Wheatley, T. (2013). Music and movement share a dynamic
structure that supports universal expressions of emotion. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 110(1) 70–75. Software. Open access PDF.
- Parkinson, C., Kohler, P., Sievers, B., & Wheatley, T. (2012). Associations between auditory
pitch and visual elevation do not depend on language: Evidence from a remote population. Perception,
41, 854–861. PDF.
- Sievers, B. (2006). A young person’s guide to
the principles of music synthesis.
fmri_go is open source software for presenting
timelocked stimuli in an fMRI scanner and recording participant responses using PsychoPy. This software is in active development—use at your own risk.
Bouncing Ball
Bouncing Ball is open source software for comparing
the dynamics of music and movement as described in Sievers, B., Polansky, L., Casey, M., & Wheatley, T.
(2013). Music and movement share a dynamic structure that supports universal expressions of emotion.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(1), 70-75.
Morphological Metrics
Morphological Metrics is a Ruby
implementation of metrics described in Larry
Polansky's article Morphological Metrics. Larry's work on Morphological Metrics is of interest
for anybody who wants to quantitatively compare contours; I came to it as a composer and continue to return
regularly as a scientist.
Ruby PCSet
Ruby PCSet is a simple Ruby library for performing
musical pitch-class set theory operations. It has a few nice things which similar tools lack, including
evaluation of some properties described by Balzano (coherence, uniqueness) and Huron (aggregate dyadic